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“activated sludge”
The semi-liquid, microbe-rich sediment that is added to secondary stage sewage material: Activated sludge is the waste matter that has been aired and churned in order to facilitate the growth of useful microorganisms which then decompose organic substances.
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ag-, agen-, act-, agi-, agit-
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Word Entries containing the term:
“activated sludge”
activated sludge process, actilvated sludge effluent (s) (noun); activated sludge processes; actilvated sludge effluents (pl)
A widely used method for sewage treatment that raises the level of biological activity: An activated sludge process takes place due to an increase of contact between wastewater and actively growing micro-organisms.
This entry is located in the following units:
ag-, agen-, act-, agi-, agit-
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fluct-, flucti-, -flux, flu-, flum-, -fluent, -fluence
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